Supporting Noma Fund


Make a donation

By making a donation to Noma Fund’s association, you are supporting the fight against this poisonous disease, which affects children in the world’s poorest areas.


Sign the petition

Access the online petition that we wish to bring to the UN Member States for the implementation of the humanitarian project “Acting against Noma 2021-2030”.

Join Noma Fund

Noma Fund members, regardless of their participation, help us to give a wider scope to the message we carry, and to encourage the implementation of concrete actions on the field.

Supporting the fight against Noma disease means :


Raising awareness of the disease

What is Noma disease? How to recognize it? What are the first symptoms that should alert? How to prevent the disease? These are some of the information that Noma Fund wishes to broadcast on a large scale, to raise awareness of the disease.


Reducing the mortality rate

Noma disease can be treated with few means. The administration of an antibiotic during the 1st phase of the disease would reduce the mortality rate by 90%! To this end, Noma Fund carries out awareness-raising and prevention actions aimed at at-risk populations.


Facilitating access to care

By joining the fight against Noma, our members participate in the implementation of the technical and human resources necessary for the treatment of Noma patients, which must be provided as soon as the first symptoms appear.

Make a donation to Noma Fund

Implementing the means of action

The donations to Noma Fund are primarily intended to implement the means of action provided for in the context of our missions. Promoting awareness, preventing Noma disease and facilitating access to care for Noma patients are our priorities. These donations are therefore primarily dedicated to these items, whose scope is at the heart of the disease eradication process.

Supporting actors on the field

Noma Fund is a non-profit organization, which requires the establishment of a rigorous organization on the field, in collaboration with local actors. Supporting our members and volunteers, ensuring the smooth running of their involvement on the field and liaising with local actors, are some of the aspects to which we pay particular attention. By making a donation to Noma Fund, our contributors provide us with important support and contribute to the success of our charitable action.

Financing communication

The scope of Noma Fund’s action requires the implementation of large-scale communication campaigns on all 10 countries included in the project. Donations to Noma Fund are also used to finance these means of communication, as provided for in the association’s action plan.

Sign the petition

To end the silence and indifference

Every year, about 140,000 children die from Noma, in the greatest indifference of the international community. This alarming figure highlights the importance of a commitment on the part of the institutional authorities.

This is the purpose of the charity action led by Noma Fund. We have also launched a petition to be addressed to the Heads of State of the Member States of the United Nations (UN), in order to bring to their attention the Noma disease, its consequences, and to present them with the action plan of the project “Acting against Noma 2021-2030”.

Giving voice to our project

By signing this petition, contributors are helping to expand Noma Fund’s actions and claims even further. It is indeed through massive commitment and strong mobilization that the message carried by the association will be heard, and followed by concrete actions on the part of the public authorities.

Sign the petition

Join Noma Fund

It is also possible for any adult to join Noma Fund association. Currently, the association both counts benefactor members and honorary members.

Become a member and / or benefactor member

Joining Noma Fund means participating in developing the association’s reputation, raising awareness of Noma disease and raising global consciousness. Bringing our message to the attention of your family, colleagues or professional network is a significant way to contribute to the fight against Noma, and to help children who are currently condemned by this devastating disease. It is also possible to make a financial commitment alongside Noma Fund as a benefactor member, and enable the association to achieve its missions.

Join as an honorary member

Honorary members of Noma Fund enjoy a certain public notoriety. By committing themselves to our side, they allow the association to benefit from this notoriety, and allow us to amplify the scope of our message.

Noma Fund France

10, avenue George V
75008 Paris

Tél : +33 1 88 61 80 60
Mail :

Noma Fund Belgium

56, rue des Colonies
1000 Brussells

Tél : +32 2 808 87 28
Mail :

Noma Fund Belgique

56, rue des Colonies
1000 Brussells

Tél : +32 2 808 87 28
Mail :

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